Checklist "Child Development from 0 to 12 Months"

All children develop differently. Some are able to walk confidently at 11 months of age. And someone is still holding the parents’ hand.

At 1-5 months of life, you should pay attention to the following indicators

✔️ whether the baby has babbling (appears at about 2 months);

✔️ does he/she pay attention to different sounds (2 months);

✔️ whether emotional reactions have appeared. Does he/she smile at mother’s smile, etc;

✔️ the baby identifies mother (4 months);

✔️ studies the toys that interest him/her. Explores to the touch;

✔️ recognizes mom and dad (4 months);

✔️ performs grasping movements. Holds a plaque, rattle, etc. (4 months);

✔️ responds and interacts well with others (5 months);

✔️ takes in a toy from adults’ hands and can hold it for a long time (5 months);

✔️ opens mouth well when feeding and can pick up food with lips (5 months)

✔️ recognizes people’s faces and displays emotional reactions (5 months);

6 months

✔️ responds to the name;

✔️ confidently picks up objects and moves them around;

✔️ babbles, listens attentively;

✔️ tries to repeat syllables (mum-mum, dum-dum-dum, ba-ba-ba)

7 months

✔️ continuously babbles, imitates adults’ speech with separate syllables;

✔️ interestedly plays with toys;

✔️ when asked where a familiar object is, the child turns, looks at it;

✔️ crawls in any direction, involving the whole body.

8 months

✔️ actively observes the actions of other children

✔️ imitates adults.

✔️ learns new skills (rolling a car, making sorters)

✔️ demonstrates mastered skills (greeting, saying goodbye – lifts and waves his palm)

✔️ pronounces syllables clearly

✔️ holds food (an apple)

9 months

✔️ actively mimics the movements and speech of adults

✔️ uses objects in relation to their function

✔️ walks holding onto a support

✔️ drinks from a cup

✔️ ready to be potty trained

10 months

✔️ child demonstrates previously mastered actions

✔️ can climb stairs by holding the handrail

✔️ gives familiar objects when asked to “give” or “fetch

11 months

✔️ actively learns new actions

✔️ selectively reacts to different people.

✔️ shows joy, discontent

✔️ standing without support, makes first steps

✔️ learns to differentiate objects into groups (cars, dolls)

✔️ masters the first simple words and sound imitations (dai, na, meow, moo)

12 months

✔️ begins to play with other children

✔️ differentiates objects by shape (ball, cube)

✔️ standing and walking independently, alternates steps

✔️ understands the meaning of “no” and responds by stopping a forbidden action easily repeats new syllables after adults, and has an active vocabulary of at least 10 simple words

✔️ takes utensils independently from the table with his hands, places them on the table, drinks from a cup

Article author: Alexandra Zinchenko – speech therapist, corrective pedagogue. Founder of the A. Zinchenko Corrective and Speech Therapy Center in Kyiv. Co-founder of the Public Organization “Association of Speech Therapists of Ukraine.”