Meet Oksana Nazarchuk

Hello Everyone !

I aм Oksana Nаzаrchuk,


I am a nutriciologist and health coach.

For more than 10 years I have been plunged headlong into the topic of healthy eating! I strongly believe that most health problems are solved simply by a high-quality, full-fledged balanced diet, without extremes and drastic restrictions. Doctors treat existing diseases - I teach how to prevent them.

I believe that most health problems are solved simply by a high-quality, full-fledged balanced diet, without extremes and drastic restrictions. Doctors treat existing diseases, and I teach how to prevent them.

I live in Canada and conduct online training with clients all over the world. I was educated at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, studied at Harvard Medical School (Biochemistry), Wageningen University & Research (Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Nutrition), University of Colorado Boulder (gut microbiome), I continue to study biochemistry and use evidence-based science in my practice. Author of articles for Vogue, Buro24, Glamour magazines. My experience of working with clients shows that nutrition is the basis of our health.

I suggest looking at food, not as a source of diseases and excess weight, but as a source of life, health, good mood and energy! I will teach you how to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from food, not limiting yourself, but filling.

I am glad that now families and children cared for by the "Kids to Kids" Foundation's website can read my useful articles and tips. 

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