Сhild development 1-2 years

Main components

We continue to analyze the topic “Child Development”. Now we will consider the main criteria for the development of a child 1-2 years old.

! It is very important to track all stages of development and the quality of the formation of certain skills.

✔️ The child walks well, he gets up, sits down. It is also important to pay attention to how the child behaves on the playground. Does he like slides, carousels Remember that it is not advisable for a child of this age to visit trampolines.

✔️ A child of this age should play meaningfully with toys. For example: the car rolls along the road, builds cubes, etc.

✔️ The child moves much more confidently, can independently bypass various obstacles, climb and descend stairs, jump, run short distances.

✔️ In speech, the child also has significant success. Continues to actively imitate the adult. The child begins to learn to generalize and compare. Therefore, in this age period, it is important to name the properties of the objects encountered by the child. For example, when we see a tree, we draw the child’s attention to it and describe it. The tree is tall, green, etc.

✔️ In interaction with others, he actively uses gestures and emotions. Therefore, it is important to be emotional with the child and be sure to describe your emotions. For example: I’m upset because it’s raining. Describing your emotions to your child, you help the formation of the emotional intelligence of the child.

✔️ Begins to describe his actions “I’m playing, etc.” Closer to 2 years builds simple sentences.

✔️ Partially puts on and takes off clothes. It is important to form this skill precisely at the age of 2 years. Be patient and give the child the opportunity to put on a jacket and pants on their own.

✔️ The ability to distinguish the colors of objects. Therefore, constantly pronounce the colors of objects.

Article author: Alexandra Zinchenko – speech therapist, corrective pedagogue. Founder of the A. Zinchenko Corrective and Speech Therapy Center in Kyiv. Co-founder of the Public Organization “Association of Speech Therapists of Ukraine.”