Renovation of the Berdychiv Special School's canteen for the Day of Knowledge 2024

Good deeds unite the hearts of people not only from Ukraine,
but also from around the world.

In early July, the Kids to Kids Foundation launched an urgent collection to repair the canteen at the Berdychiv Special School, where orphans live and study alongside family children.

The Foundation has been supporting this institution since 2017. We know how much care and love the teachers treat the children. We know how much effort the director of the institution, Zhanna Gromnytska, makes to ensure that orphans have decent conditions and everything they need for life and learning, health and development.

The Foundation has been supporting this institution since 2017. We know how much care and love the teachers treat the children. We know how much effort the director of the institution, Zhanna Gromnytska, makes to ensure that orphans have decent conditions and everything they need for life and learning, health and development.

Were there any doubts that we could close the collection quickly? Of course there were. But the desire to restore the canteen as soon as possible, in time for the beginning of the school year, when students return to school, was stronger than fears.

“Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be opened, seek and you will find…” – so it is written in the Bible. And our request for help reached Chicago, USA! A few days after we started the collection, Savva called us and expressed his desire to close the collection for repairs at the Berdychiv Special School. It turned out that Savva from Minsk and Anastasia from Kyiv had been following the activities of our foundation for a long time. The young people actively help Ukraine by organizing charity events and this time they chose the Kids to Kids Foundation to help.

The donation of 148 thousand hryvnias allowed us to cover the following expenses: floor repairs, grouting, cement, ventilation system repairs, purchase of a production sink and a dough mixer, and upgrading kitchen appliances.

The young people and their community were so impressed with the foundation’s activities that they expressed a desire to support children with disabilities who participate in the monthly assistance project “Happiness for Every Family”. The rest of the charitable contribution was used to purchase an orthopedic desk and chair for a child with a disability, Yaromyr Myshovsky, and to purchase medicines for other participants in the “Happiness for Every Family” project.

On August 26, 2024, after the largest massive air attack in Ukraine, the pupils of the Berdychiv Special School welcomed the Kids to Kids Foundation team and volunteers with warm hugs. Director of the Foundation, Natalia Kiseleva, cut the red ribbon of the renovated food block! Together with the volunteers of the Foundation, they drank tea with delicious cakes, talked and enjoyed such a long-awaited meeting. The gifts from the Foundation to the renovated food unit were: cups, pots, graters for fruits and vegetables.

On the eve of the new school year, the Foundation also donated stationery:


At this difficult time, when the war in Ukraine continues, your support is extremely important. You have become not only our partners, but also true friends who have shown their willingness to help. We are sincerely grateful to the Chicago community for their generosity, sensitivity and selflessness! Your good deeds inspire and give hope, making the lives of orphans and children with disabilities better. Together, through our compassion and support, we can change the world for the better!

Thank you very much for your trust in our benefactors from Chicago:


We express our deep gratitude and are proud of the courage of our team and volunteers who did not postpone the trip from Kyiv to Berdychiv even after the massive attack:


