“It was not long before I realized where he came from. The little prince was asking me questions, but when I asked about something he did not seem to hear. Only little by little, from casual, casually dropped words, everything has been revealed to me.” Little Prince. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
It was decided, we must open to you the world of childhood of our wards, show how they are beautiful and individual. The project was supported by an excellent photographer, Anastasia Telikova. Our group traveled to three children’s schools during March-April 2017, we were able to see and capture various emotions of many children.
The first moments of communication with children are difficult,. You feel the lack of participation of children in your attempts to find contact with them. But then after a little while you suddenly discover their impetuous desire to talk and share thoughts with you, to be here and now. Children who are accustomed to outside visitors are very suspicious or vice versa, they are too friendly, but when they feel your willingness to be open with them, they become sincere. In specialized schools it is more difficult, but it is obvious what an incredible enthusiasm the employees have working with such children. The work of directors and teachers is priceless. Like the help of each of us.
Yevgenia Grande, director of the “Kids to Kids” Fund: “Every time when I visit children, I try to teach them things which they can apply in their life. For example, we do cooking classes, prepare different dishes together. I really like this process with the kids, they prepare with such activity and liveliness, delving into all the processes. I try to select dishes in which they can show their individuality and creativity. Most often we are baking something and the process of decorating is very important for kids, especially at Christmas and Easter. The material things that we can give them are only temporary help, but knowledge and skills that will help them in life are the most valuable thing for us, adults, we can share them with children who are deprived of their parents. ”
Larisa Kudenko, volunteer: “For more than six years I have been helping the Berdichev’s specialized boarding school. Recently, my friends and I collected money and paid courses for hairdressers, for one of the school’s graduates, bought a full set of tools for work. After graduating from school, children are left to themselves and it is very important – to give chance and to direct children’s life in the right direction, to give advice and necessary support. ”
Natalia Kiseleva, coordinator of the “Kids to Kids” Fund: “My whole life was linked with children education. My pedagogical background and love to children gives me the opportunity to understand every child very well. I easily find myself surrounded by children. After all, the most important thing is not to be ahead, not behind, but TOGETHER with children. With great pleasure I conduct educational, creative and entertaining activities for children from orphanages and boarding schools. If you approach children with love and care they will always answer you with reciprocity.
Participants: children from Gorodnya specialized boarding school of the I-III level, the Berdychiv specialized public boarding school, the Kramatorsky Center for Social Psychological Rehabilitation Aid
Photo: Anastasia Telikova
Curators: “Kids to Kids” Fund
The project was shown in the framework of the charity event “Open hearts” in April 2017 at the President Hotel, Kiev.
Photos from the event: