Matvii Oransky. Project "Happiness for every family"

Date of birth: 20.04.2023м. Sumy

Cerebral palsy, persistent irreversible severe motor disorders (spastic quadriplegia, flexion contractures of the elbow and knee joints) combined with speech delay.


Matvii was born in the city of Sumy at the Clinical Perinatal Center of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 27 weeks of pregnancy (during pregnancy, his mother was diagnosed with severe cervical dysplasia, which resulted in premature birth). Matvii is the second of twins. Unfortunately, his sister Milana lived only 7 days. The baby, weighing 0.945 grams and 35 cm tall, fought for life from the first breath. The child was born with an ischemic lesion of the central nervous system, grade 1 CHD. From birth to two months, he was in the non-invasive lung ventilation and only after a long rehabilitation was transferred to a joint stay with his mother.

On June 25, 2023, Matvii and his mother were finally at home. At three months old, he was registered with a neurologist, and the child was also observed in the office of medical history with a diagnosis of the consequences of prenatal cerebral palsy, mild ventriculomegaly. Up to the age of one year
repeatedly underwent treatment in the FRM department and on an outpatient basis. At the age of 1, Matthew was diagnosed with: Cerebral palsy, persistent irreversible severe motor disorders (spastic quadriplegia, flexion contractures of the elbow and knee joints) combined with speech delay.

Every month, the boy undergoes rehabilitation in the early intervention room and works with a speech therapist.

At present, Matviy’s achievements include sitting independently, standing with a support, making pointing gestures, and beginning to speak a little.

Every morning, mom and Matvii start with morning exercises. Throughout the day, they do various exercises so that Matvii learns to hold his legs firmly, stand without support, and eventually take his first long-awaited steps. His mother and grandmother invent interesting games to develop the child’s fine motor skills. Matvii likes to build pyramids, play with cars and a ball. His favorite foods are various delicacies: fruit purees, cottage cheese, cookies, and milk cereals.

Matvii needs:
✔️ baby diapers
✔️ baby food: fruit purees and cereals
✔️ educational toys
✔️ physiotherapy sessions
✔️ massages

Despite his cerebral palsy and related diagnoses, Matvii has prospects for a significant improvement in his health and quality of life. However, the financial costs of a family without a breadwinner are impossible to bear alone.

This family needs your help!

Join our project to help children with disabilities, “Happiness in Every Family”!

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